Articles General Latest News


 LISTERIOSIS Listeriosis is a dangerous food poisoning caused by consuming foods contaminated with the Listeria monocytogenes (L. monocytogenes) bacterium. For the case of pregnant ladies, the infection can cause miscarriage, premature birth, and serious infection of the baby or even stillbirth. Listerosis infection is generally transmitted by contaminated foods. Outbreaks generally involve uncooked meat or vegetables, or poorly […]

General Latest News

GİMDES delegation participate in 4 Internatıonal Events in Malaysia and Indonesi

GIMDES International Relations Coordinator Mr. M. Zafer GEDİKLİ was in Malaysia and Indonesi to attend the 9TH halal Certification bodies’ convention 2018, mid-year executive members of World Halal Council, MİHAS The Malaysia International Halal Showcase and visiting MUI in Indonesi during period from 31 March to 5 April 2018. The Letter from GIMDES president Dr. […]

Conferences General Latest

GIMDES made a training for the Halal certification body in Macedonia

The Agency for Halal Standard; the Halal Certification Body in Macedonia, invite GIMDES R&D Coordinator Dr. Majed ALHARIRI to make Halal training on March 23-24, 2018. The training included the Halal critical control points in food additives, food technology, cosmetics and medicine, Halal Certification process and Halal assurance system. Both technical and fıqıh committees of […]



Tasam is an institution dependent on the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal. A succesful workshop has been arranged on 7th September in Istanbul Gonen Hotel. The workshop was about: GMO Biodiversity , Products, Demand and Food Safety. GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami Buyukozer and Food Engineer Ali Kaygisiz have attended the workshop. Other attendees […]