Halal and Tayyib product sector will be in the 6th hall under the leadership of GİMDES on 4-7 September. Because of newcomer exhibitors who want to degenerate the demand of Halal and Tayyib product which is an indispensable belief-based issue of Muslims, we could not organize an expo that gathers all our firms, that produce […]
ALL HALAL AND TAYYIB SECTORS IN ISTANBUL HITS THE TOP. IF YOU ALSO WANT TO HIT THE TOP, JOIN OUR EVENTS. 7th Halal and Tayyib Product and Service Expo will be organised in 04-07 September 2019 in CNR Food Istanbul Expo by the financial support of T.C. Trade Ministry and KOSGEB as well as the […]
We invite you to the Halal and Tayyib products events in 4-7 septmeber 2019
We invite you to the international Halal and Tayyib products exhibition 4-7 septmeber 2019 We feel pleasure to invite our brothers and sisters from all over the world to Istanbul to attend 2 important events on 04-07 September 2019. GIMDES will organize the 11th international Halal and Tayyib products conference and the 7th international Halal […]
GIMDES will host two important events in September 4-7 /2019 in Istanbul
This year, GIMDES will organize the 7th Halal and Tayyip Products Fair and the 11th of the International Halal and Tayyib Products Conference. we invite our brothers and sisters from all over the world to Istanbul for Halal and Tayyib Products confernce and fair which will held on 04-07 September 2019. Our events venue will […]
Invitation to Participate the Halal and Tayyib Festival
Dear Brother First of all, I ask Allah Taala to give all of us good and fruitful work. Today, GIMDES certified companies number reached about 500 company with about 12000 products, this achieved as a result of your sincerity, earnest and diligent efforts. We have become on the most reliable Halal certification bodies in Turkey […]
6th international Halal and Tayyib products exhibition started and finished after 4 days
GIMDES lead the 6th Halal Expo in Istanbul, this year the exhibition was finished on the 4th day with many innovations. GIMDES (the association for the inspection and certification of food and supplies) conducted the 6th Halal Expo on 22-25 October in Istanbul congress centre. The exhibition started with the opening ceremony. GIMDES President Dr. […]
A 7 Day Trip as Guest of Korean Islamic Federation Dr. Husein Kami BUYUKOZER, the President of GIMDES and Murat SAYIN, responsible for international relations, participated in the activities of Halal Conference as special guests. At 6th August, Seul Central Mosque, which is also used as the centre of the Islamic Unity was visited. A […]
GIMDES will organize the international Halal and Tayyib workshops.
GIMDES, the leading Halal certifying body in Turkey is organizing exhibitions and conferences every year to increase the public awareness of Halal Certified products. We are proudly announcing that this year we are organizing the international Halal and Tayyib workshops. Halal and Tayyib workshops will held in Istanbul on -24-25 October 2015. The first workshop […]
6th HALALEXPO 2015 Halal and Tayyib Products Exhibition will be organized by DISCOVER EVENTS with partnership of GIMDES in ISTANBUL CONGRESS CENTER (ICC) on 22-25 October 2015. It is the only platform of Halal certified products’ manufacturers in Turkey. It is expected that 200 brands will attend the fair from various countries operating in the […]
Invitation to the Halal and Tayyib Conference and Expo
Assalamu alaikum WRWb. I have the pleasure of inviting yourselves to our Conference and Expo in Istanbul in September. A large part of the consumer products used and consumed by Muslims are produced, monitored and controlled by non-Muslims. Such kind of control put heavy risk on Muslims’s Halal bite and life. GIMDES,the leading Halal […]