Production of drugs and vaccines to cure diseases is still ongoing today with ignorance of Muslims’ faiths. Currently, “we have to invent new diseases for selling more drugs” mentality is dominated by a drug mafia in the whole world. This mentality doesn’t focus on a cure. They focus to increase diseases and patients instead. It […]
Modernity which belongs to the West invented countless numbers of industrial foods and is now trying to convince us that the gelatine that is used in those artificial foods is Halal. Businessmen and their technical staff from medicine, cosmetics and food industries get together with modern some religion-mongers and they all rant and rave claiming […]
Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk
Ladies go on to use hair dyes for seeing more beautiful. Gentlemen use these dyes to become younger. This news is very important for your health. According to a research, hair dyes cause to increase lymphoma cancer risk. Dr. Silvia de Sanjose has carried out a research on association between personal use of Hair Dyes […]
The rule of materials which have treated with Haram Foods
The usage of materials which used with Haram materials is forbidden without complete cleaning. Therefore, according to Buhari and Muslim (Rahimehumellah) narrated hadiths that Rasullah (P.B.H) is applied that in Khayber conquer. So that on one occasion Sahabas have cooked all donkeys. However, when Rasullah (P.B.H) informed forbid, they poured. Then Rasullah has ordered to […]
Another Raw material in the Pandora’s Box: L-Cysteine
Many new raw materials have been added to manufacturers of food and medicine by producers for requested products by consumers. On the other hand, consumers also have started to ask for ingredients of products. In our posts, we have deliberated on the most inquired raw materials which are encountered on many products as mysterious and […]
Reliability between Halal Certification Bodies
The consumer has more awareness the importance of Halal and Tayyib production system due to developing production technologies, and Halal and Tayyib Products are requested much than before. Thus, seeking for Halal products of Muslims is getting gain speed all over the world. When conscious consumers understand that it can’t completely ensure just checking the packaging […]
Can We Check What Children eat at School?….
Nutrition is certainly crucial for everybody. However, for some periods of a human life, it is getting more important. School ages belong that important period. Many nutrition-related diseases such as overweight, tooth decay, anemia, etc. observes on children because of senseless diet. We send our children to school to become healthy in the knowledge perspective. […]
GIMDES attends “We Connect Islam and Japan” event in Tokyo, Japan
Halal way of life spreads around the world. Japan is another country that aims to get a part in the big Halal pie. 1.Halal Summit in Japan took place in Tokyo, Japan between 4-6 August . GIMDES sent Murat Sayin, Chemist and member of Technical Committee of GIMDES, to attend this important event. Sayin presented […]
Directors and Proprietors of Halal Dunya Market Chain gathered in Istanbul
Directors and Proprietors of Halal Dunya Market Chain gathered in Istanbul on 23 August . The meeting started with Dua. Directors of Halal Dunya Market stores gave briefings on their general sales, and presented their suggestions. Halal Dunya Market Chain Stores are also attending the 5th Halal and Tayyib Expo that will be held in […]
Prof.Dr.Mustafa NUTKU When you are in a cafe or restaurant, waiters ask you what you would like to drink and you tell him what your preference is. In fact, the life itself is a preference. I remember I saw a shop where they sold badges with some famous saying or a proverb an done of […]