Announcements Conferences Latest News

Muslims get to rise up and get together against CEN Halal standard interference.

Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, We all agree that Halal is a pure Islamic issue and Halal standardization and certification cannot be a working-field for non-Muslims. Any Muslim religious issue is the sole prerogative of Muslims, especially their respective religious authorities. This implies that no standards for Halal procedures used by the Muslim community may […]

Announcements Latest

Against CEN Meeting

Kindly find Dr. Huseyin’s, President of GIMDES (Turkey), letter for April 28-29, 2015 CEN meeting in Cordoba. Dear Brother in Islam, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Non-Muslims want to control Muslims by control of their halal food. Halal is an islamic term and only belongs to Muslims. We are against any work for the purpose […]

Announcements Latest News

GIMDES Conference and Seminar Program

2 March Monday Isar Ilim İrfan Derneği Time:14:00 Bagcilar Lecturer: Birgül ARSLAN 3 March Tuesday Seminar for Lady Time:15:00 Fatih Lecturer: Birgül ARSLAN 4 March Wednesday Bezmi Alem Valide Sultan Dormitory Time:20:00 Fatih Lecturer: Füsun MENTEŞ 6 March Friday AGD Kazımkarabekir Mahallesi Temsilciliği Time:13:00 Esenler Lecturer: Birgül ARSLAN 7 March Saturday Acelya Yardımlaşma ve Dayanışma […]

Announcements Articles Latest

The rule of materials which have treated with Haram Foods

The usage of materials which used with Haram materials is forbidden without complete cleaning. Therefore, according to Buhari and Muslim (Rahimehumellah) narrated hadiths that Rasullah (P.B.H) is applied that in Khayber conquer. So that on one occasion Sahabas have cooked all donkeys. However, when Rasullah (P.B.H) informed forbid, they poured. Then Rasullah has ordered to […]

Announcements Latest News

Aid Adha Mubarak

And for all religion We have appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them of [sacrificial] animals. For your god is one God, so to Him submit. And, [O Muhammad], give good tidings to the humble [before their Lord] Al-Hajj-34 Aid Adha Mubarak […]

Announcements Conferences Latest


The awareness of seeking Halal and Tayyib product increases daily on two billion Muslims all over the world. Various valuable experts and academicians from different countries have met in the 7th international Halal and Tayyib Products Conference, which was held in Istanbul CNR Exhibition Center on 6 September 2014. Session Topics; – Pre- and post-slaughter […]

Announcements Conferences Latest


Many brothers from Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, South Africa, India, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Tunis, Moscow, Tataristan, Dagestan, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, USA, France, England, Germany and South Kore and many other countries have accepted GIMDES invitation and attend to 7th Halal and Tayyib Products Conference and 5th Halal and Tayyib Products Exhibition. Once again, we saw […]