

Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER

“And do not be inclined to the wrongdoers or you will be touched by the Fire. For then you would have no protectors other than Allah, nor would you be helped.”(Surah Hud, Ayat 113)

Moses chose seventy men from among his people for Our appointment and, when they were seized by an earthquake, he said, “My Lord! Had You willed, You could have destroyed them long ago, and me as well. Will You destroy us for what the foolish among us have done? This is only a test from You—by which You allow whoever you will to stray and guide whoever You will. You are our Guardian. So forgive us and have mercy on us. You are the best forgiver. (Surah Al-A’raf, Ayat 155)

The Khaybar Castle, which was under the control of the Jews, was a fortress that could not be destroyed. When Muhammad (peace be upon him) besieged the Khaybar Castle, he ordered the palm trees around the castle to be cut down.

Thus, the Jews were divided among themselves and avoided fighting because they did not want to lose their palm trees.

The Palestinian issue we are currently in is unfortunately one of the greatest pains and massacres that humanity has ever witnessed. However, no matter how sad the situation we are in, there is definitely something to be done in every situation.

Before we entrust the responsibility of the issue to other authorities, I think we should make sure that we have fully fulfilled our own responsibilities. Now we have the weapon of boycott. It is time to cut down Israel’s palm trees.

People cannot stop those who make the bombs, but we do not buy Israeli products in order not to make money for this financial system. If I do not buy it, if you do not buy it, this financial system will not work and Israel will back down at some point, feeling cornered. We must continue to use this important weapon tirelessly globally until a result is achieved.

Today, we are implementing a boycott of ours by meeting and shopping with Muslims who are partners of companies on the boycott list, Muslims who work in the businesses of these companies, and Muslims who we have determined shop at the restaurants, cafeterias and markets of companies on these boycott lists. Such a boycott was implemented during the time of the Companions. The worlds of the Muslims who were subject to that boycott turned black , the world became narrow, they could not leave their homes, and finally they were forgiven after they repeatedly expressed their regret.