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Program Details of HCB Unity meeting Against Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Issues

’HCB Unity Meeting Against Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Issues’’. 13-14 June 2015. Istanbul –Turkey.

Praise be to Allah in a manner befitting His Majesty and Great Power.

We all agree that Halal is a pure Islamic issue and Halal standardization and certification cannot be a working-field for non-Muslims. Any Muslim religious issue is the sole prerogative of Muslims, especially their respective religious authorities. This implies that no standards for Halal procedures used by the Muslim community may be set and owned or controlled by a non-Muslim organization.

However, since the year 2010, we have been passively observing the European Committee for Standardization’s (abbrev. CEN) endeavors to interfere in Halal issues and to set their standards for Halal Food by building a standardization Technical Committee on Halal Food led by non-Muslims. Islamic authorities will have but a second-role that is to play an advisory role in the CEN Technical Committee.

These standards are scheduled for publication in 2017.

CEN’s initiative constitutes for Muslims a degradation of the Islamic term “Halal” from its comprehensive religious meaning to just a mere technical term. The reference “Halal” will but lose its credibility. This will certainly engender confusion among Muslim stakeholders and especially strong rejection from Muslim consumers, certification bodies and Muslim authorities and lead to creating new trade barriers between Europe and Muslim countries.

This kind of initiative sets a dangerous precedent in the attempt of non-Muslim authorities to regulate and standardize Muslim religious matters in the 21st century. It is an illegal act which will have serious impacts on Muslims religious freedom of worship and right of regulating their own and pure religious affairs by themselves.

Should this kind of interference successfully establish itself, not only Muslims living in Europe but Muslims all over the world will be affected. This interference will not stop at “Halal Food” but will move on to all areas of the Muslim life.

This issue should be of concern to all Muslim authorities all over the Muslim world. Ministries of Awqaf, standardization institutions, certification bodies in every land and the like should take position.

For the purpose of standing against this project and similar minded attempts by any authority to allow non-Muslim intervention into Halal certifying, we would like to invite you all to Istanbul for a 2-day event where we are going to draw up a joint position to be adopted by Muslim authorities, by our fellow certifying bodies and by all Muslim stakeholders.

Brothers, to achieve our goal we are going to leave behind, or better forget all our national identities, prejudices, dislikes, pride, friendships, personal or organizational matters.


To enhance the unity among Muslim HCBs and standardization authorities and take a common position against CEN and other authorities that back up non-Muslim intervention on Halal issues and certifying.

The Program
First day
Saturday 25 Shaaban, 1436 AH corresponding to June 13, 2015
Events of the ‘’HCB Unity Meeting Against Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Issues’’.13-14 June 2015. Istanbul-Turkey.
First Period: (09:00 – 10:30)   
09:00 – 09:30 Registration & Welcome Coffee.
09:30 – 09:35 Recitation of the Holy Quran.
09:35 – 10:30 Opening Speeches.


Second Period: (10:30 – 13:00)
Concept What is CEN and its activities & aims on Halal standards?
Moderator Dr. Shuja Shafi.Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Britain, UK.
10:30 – 10:50  Dr. Adel Sabir.European Halal Development Agency. UK.
10:50 – 11:00 Murat SayınGIMDES- Turkey.
11:00 – 11:10 Hanen Rezgui Pizette.Protection of the Muslim Consumer, ASIDCOM, France.
11:10 – 11:20 Ruksana Shain.Be Halal Consumer Organization, UK.
11:20 – 13:00 Open Discussion.
13:00 – 15:00 Zuhr Prayer and Lunch.


Third Period: (15:00 – 18:00)  
Concept Islamic Position on Non-Muslim Governance of Halal.
Moderator Moulana Muhammad Saeed Navlakhi.South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa.
15:00 – 15:20 Dr. Salih Alayad.Muslim world league, Kingdom Saudi Arabia.
15:20 – 15:40 Dr.Wanis Almabrouk.International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Libya.
15:40 – 16:00 Mufti Mohammed Zubair Butt.Halal Monitoring Committee, UK.
16:00 – 16:20 Ilgiz Bagautdinov.Halal standardization committee of Centralized Religious Organisation, Tatarstan.
16:20 – 16:40 Shaikh Mahmut Eren.Ismail Aga Fiqh committee president, Turkey.
16:40 – 18:00 Open Discussion.
18:00 – 19:00 Asr Prayer and end of the first day.
19:00 Dinner.


Second day
Sunday 25 Shaaban, 1436 AH corresponding to June 14, 2015.
Resuming Events of ‘’HCB Unity Meeting Against Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Issues’’.13-14 June 2015. Istanbul-Turkey.
First Period: (09:00 – 11:00)   
Concept Halal Certification Bodies Opinion on Non-Muslims interference in Halal Standards
Moderator Dr. Hani Al Mazeedi.Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, State of Kuwait.
09:00 – 09:15 Abdul Rahman Linzag.Islamic Da’wah Council of the Philippines, Philippines.
09:15– 09:30 Amal Kabalan.The Halal Catering Argentina. Argentina.
09:30 – 09:45 Mohamed El-Mouelhy.Halal Certification Authority, Australia.
09:45 – 10:00 M. Fouad Imarraine.AVS, France.
10:00 – 11:00 Open Discussion
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break.


Second Period: (11:30 – 14:00)
Concept Strategies to Stop Non-Muslims Interference in Halal Standards and Certification.
Moderator Sheikh Thafier Najjaar.Islamic Council of South Africa, ICSA, South Africa.
11:30 – 11:45 Dr. Mariam Abdul Latif.World Muslim Consumers Organization. Malaysia.
11:45 – 12:00 Dr. Majed Alhariri.GIMDES- Turkey.
12:00 – 12:15 Yusuf Patel.South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa.
12:30 – 14:00 Open Discussion
14:00 – 15:30 Zuhr Prayer and Lunch.


Third Period: (15:30 – 16:30)
Concept Concluding Statement of the Congress and Recommendations.
Moderator Moulana Muhammad Saeed Navlakhi.South African National Halal Authority, SANHA, South Africa.
Zafer Gedikli.Secretary General of World Halal Council.
Dr. Adel Sabir.European Halal Development Agency. UK.
Dr.Wanis Almabrouk.International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), Libya.
16:30 Closing and End of the event.
18:00 Dinner

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