During the December 2013- March 2014 period, GIMDES conducted 646 lab analysis for 392 different products.
As per the regulations of Halal certifying, GIMDES has the right to collect random products from the market as well as from the production sites and conduct laboratory analysis of Halal certified companies. During the 4 months period, 646 separate analysis were done and the summary of the results are shown below :
- Detection of salmonella in one meat product
- Detection of natamysin in 6 dairy products
- Detection of pesticides in one product
- Detection of nitrates by natural causes in one product
- Finding 14 products unsuitable microbiologically
- Detection of chickpea DNAs in hazelnut in 2 products
- Detection of GMO in 3 different products
- Detection of benzoic acid in 1 yogurt product
- Finding acid value in olive oil little higher than limits
- Detection of high ratio of heavy metals in one product.
The other products were found suitable. The ones that are found unsuitable were reported to the related authorities as well as producing companies.
GIMDES will follow the most strict methods to ensure that Muslims stay safe in what they consume
Allah knows the best.