We have been said we have our lord!
Sheikh Ahmed Yasin who was killed in Palestine with a rocket attack by brutal and murderer Israel said this message so-called 2 billion Muslims. What is the changing during eight years after his martyr?
We are frightened! we are frightened! Just a few Jews but we think that they have USA, EU, Russia, China brothers. Because of that, we are afraid….
Why our lord doesn’t support us, Why doesn’t he help us? There are despot cruelties all the places for Muslims.
Because unbelievers work with sincerity. They get weaving and make strong agreement with satan for dominating unbelieving. Let’s look at Muslims all over the world. Is there any Islam sign in their daily life? Additionally, is there any sincere work for their religion (Islam)? Unbelievers occupy all moments in their daily life? Customs are controlled by unbelievers fashion.
Business is controlled by unbelievers yielding interest bank system. Jaunt, entertainment, wedding ceremony, all media is controlled by unbelievers. And the most important, every bite which they eat is responsible by unbelievers.
I have mentioned that the most important thing their bite. Let’s take a look at what our prophet (P.U.H) mentioned about that;
“’Both the lawful (Halal) and the unlawful (Haram) things are obvious, and in between them are doubtful [Mushtabihat] matters. Whoever forsakes those doubtful things lest he may commit a sin, will definitely avoid what is clearly unlawful; and whoever indulges in these (suspicious) doubtful things carelessly, is likely to stumble into what is clearly unlawful. Sins are Allah’s Hima (ie private pasture) and whoever pastures [his sheep] near it, is likely to get in it at any moment. (Buhari ve Müslim)
Let’s repent in our situation before repent door is closed. All of our producers, customers, man and woman, young and old have to repent. We should make halal our daily life starting from the bite. There is no other escape and exit gate.