Constitute the Global single halal standard which is highly important for Muslim Ummah on 26th issue of GIMDES Magazine. Dissection of topics and writers are below;
GİMDES President Dr.Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER; Constitute Single Halal Standard in the World’’, Prof.Dr.Hasan DOĞRUYOL; ‘Toksicokinetic practices’’ , Prof.Dr.Ahmed AKGÜNDÜZ ; ‘Halal Food Problems and Solutions in the Europe Countries’’; Prof.Dr. İsa YÜCEER ; ‘Demand factor in the Halal Food -2’’ Doç.Dr.SERKAN ÇAKIR; We consume products, but consuming ourselves, but what we can do?; HAMİT AKÇAY; Halal Food Exhibition , Research Section, Msc. Chemistry Engineer. F.EBRU KOÇ; ‘Plastic Utensils’’, GIMDES Technical Science Committee Member, Food Engineer A.Hayreddin İŞBİLİR, The necessity of Halal Certification and some specifications which have to have in a Halal Certification body; Nutritionist Nesrin Kır ALKAN, Why do we have a wolfish appetite? ; Prof.Dr.Mustafa NUTKU , Halal food remembrance – 10; GIMDES Technical Science Committee Member, M.Sc. Chemist, Murat SAYIN, Unfavorable Additives Bread, Cereal and Confectionary Products; GIMDES Islamic Science Committee, Sadettin EKİNCİ, Halal Food in the community reclamation; Food Engineer, İSMAİL ERBAY, Vegetables; MÜNEVVER BİTİGEN,Kitchen Temple; dietician, Semra HATİPOĞLU, Halal Specifications.