Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
The BOYCOT issue that GIMDES has been on its agenda since its establishment in 2005 has both increased in variety and reached a global scale today.
Starbucks, one of the companies that faced protest and boycott campaigns due to israel’s attacks on Gaza, has had its financial results negatively affected in recent years.
The coffee chain lowered its annual sales forecast in the October-December period of last year, partly due to the negative impact on sales in stores in the Middle East. The company’s financial officers reported that its revenues have declined in recent years.
Coca Cola, one of the companies that faced protests and boycott campaigns due to israel’s attacks on Gaza, has had its financial results negatively affected in recent years.
It was announced in the restaurants, cafeterias and tea shops of the Turkish Grand National Assembly that the products of companies that support israel’s war against Gaza will not be sold for boycott purposes.
Since israel’s attacks on Gaza have intensified, calls for boycotting israeli companies’ products have continued on various social media platforms in Türkiye.
Nestle was one of the first consumer products companies to respond to the conflict by closing its factory in israel last month.
Other companies on the list, large and small, have also been negatively affected. Don’t pay attention to the fact that these companies keep their sales points open, keep their lights on day and night, and give the impression that they have no problems until the income they collect from Muslims during the exploitation periods runs out. If we continue our patience and loyalty, Allah (swt) will show us those days too.
Let one of the conclusions of this article be this: for the sake of Allah, it is not enough to just curse, just to say ‘Let it be like this, let it be like that’. We will not buy the products of the companies that support this massacre and we will not allow them to buy them. Let’s continue our boycott.
We saw that the apocalypse did not come when we boycotted the products of these companies. We continued our lives by obtaining GIMDES Halal and Tayyib Certified products from HDM Markets and we continue to do so, right?