

Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER

LLP Bal Halal company, Executive Director Ms. Tajibayeva Kenar Danabaevna and Scientific researcher Ms. Fedorova Ekaterina Yaroslavovna visited GIMDES from Kazakhstan.

They stated that there are 70 different institutes under the LLP Bal Halal Commercial Products Association and that they want all of them to produce with halal certification. They stated that they want to receive consultancy for a pasta company with a different formula, one of the 70 institutes, and that they want to export to the whole world. Ms. Tajibayeva Kenar Danabaevna, the manager, explained that these companies undertake trade and marketing duties. She provided information about the companies. They stated that they very much want to receive Halal and Tayyib certificates from GIMDES due to its international validity.

GIMDES President Dr. Hüseyin Kami BÜYÜKÖZER said, “We basically make certification based on halal belief criteria. Companies that want to get a certificate should demand halal and tayyib certification not only economically but also in their hearts.” He opened the Russian translation of the 168th verse of the Surah al-Baqarah and explained that the main point we base our certification on is this verse in the Quran al-Kareem.

He stated that when he first visited Russia during the Mr. Brezhnev period, he was in tears when he saw what he saw, and that when he visited 20 years later, he saw that anti-Islamic ideology had decreased, the Moscow central mosque had been built and the oppressive regime had decreased.

Our President stated that he saw Central Asian countries such as Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Tatarstan as the old homelands of Islam and that they were very important to us. In the continuation of the meeting, it was mentioned that GIMDES’s presidency in the World Halal Council and that the members of the WHC considered GIMDES as a good model in the field of Halal certification.

In response to the questions of whether we inform companies about halal, we talked about the trainings provided to companies requesting halal certification, our Darul Halal Madrasah project and our current trainings within the scope of the project, our halal certification procedures training and our Halal Dunya Market chains project established for consumers requesting Halal certified products.

Our guests expressed that they will take the necessary actions to continue the certification work. The meeting was concluded with gifts and wishes and they were given a tour of our BAŞAKŞEHİR Market, one of our HDM market branches.