Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
We had organized an Umrah program with 50 brothers who responded positively to our call in 2013, “As a first in the world: Would you like to come to the Holy Lands with GIMDES for an Umrah worship ‘Halalen Tayyiben’?” When we saw interest, we organized 3 Umrah programs including 2014. This year, our two brothers assigned by GIMDES will hopefully carry out their Umrah visits by taking into consideration halal and tayyib sensitivities.
Why did GIMDES think of organizing such a program in 2013-2014? We explained this in our first announcement as follows: “While performing Umrah worship, which is of great importance for a Muslim within the Halal life system, we should also have a nutrition program that complies with Allah’s (swt) ‘Halal and Tayyib’ order regarding what we eat and drink.” From the departure to the return home, all food and drink, including the plane and the hotel to be stayed in, will be under the control of GIMDES and will be in HALAL and TAYYIB conditions. GIMDES has carried out this program 3 times in the past to set an example for these conditions.
Now, during these periods, our brothers and sisters who will perform Umrah worship, due to the massacres they have implemented on our brothers and sisters in Gaza, are reminding us of the importance of carrying out halal and tayyib Umrah programs by including the BOYCOTT we continue to implement against the products of bloodthirsty israel and the companies that declare their support for israel.