Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
17th day of Ramadan World Halal Food Day in Ankara was held on Monday, March 17, 2025 with the support of the Agricultural and Forestry Workers Union (TOÇBİRSEN) and hosted by the International Student Association Morality Love and Spirituality Bridge (ASMAKÖPRÜ) with the participation of international students and guests.
Along with nearly 200 International Guest Students, ASMAKÖPRÜ Association General President Hanefi SİNAN, Board Member Zeynel Abidin ÖZKAN, TOÇBİRSEN General President Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK, Vice Presidents Fikret AKDENİZ, Zekeriya YAZICI, Ayhan AKDENİZ and Secretary General Fatih KURT, TOÇBİRSEN Ankara Branch 3 President Veli ÇOLU, Branch 6 President Mustafa EROĞLU and Branch 7 President Kadir SORGUN and friends from branch management, TOÇBİRSEN Head Office Officer Ahmet DEMİR and Hayrullah KARAKAŞ also attended the iftar program at ASMAKÖPRÜ International Student Association.
Before the 17th day of Ramadan World Halal Food Day iftar, the host ASMAKÖPRÜ Association General President Hanefi SİNAN made a short speech, emphasizing the importance of the day and welcoming the guests.
GIMDES Ankara Representative and Technical Science Board member Agricultural Engineer Suat SEZER said; He started his speech by saying “Happy 17th day of Ramadan World Halal Food Day”, and on behalf of the ASMAKÖPRÜ ASSOCIATION managers and members who hosted the 17th day of Ramadan World Halal Food Day iftar as GIMDES, we would like to thank Hanifi SİNAN Bey, on behalf of the TOÇBİRSEN Headquarters and branches who supported all the programs of GIMDES in Ankara and supported today’s iftar dinner, and we would like to thank our valuable guests for their participation and our student brothers and sisters who are representatives of the ummah from different geographies. After saying this, he said, “The 69th verse of the Surah Anfal, which is about the victory and spoils gained in the Battle of Badr, which was the first battle between Muslims and polytheists and ended with the victory of the believers, and which is also the first verse about halal, was also said on that day, that is, the 17th day of the month of Ramadan, on the day of Badr. The day was revealed. Allah (swt) says in this verse: “Now eat of the spoils you have taken lawfully and pleasantly, and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful”. Based on this, GIMDES has determined the 17th day of Ramadan as World Halal Day. May this day be auspicious, may it be a means for Halal Food to reach the level of consciousness from knowledge and awareness, and may Allah (swt) be pleased with everyone who contributed and supported it.” he said.
TOÇBİRSEN Chairman Hüseyin ÖZTÜRK also stated in his speech; “As TOÇBİRSEN, as an organized union in the Agriculture, Forestry and Food sector, we are pleased to support the 17th day of Ramadan World Halal Food Day iftar programs for about 10 years, and we are happy to be together with our international guest student friends.” After the iftar, which was held with the participation of approximately 200 students and guests, the evening prayer and tarawih prayer were performed together. In between the two prayers, we had a chat over tea around a samovar prepared over a wood fire.