Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
Factors That Strengthen Memory
In contrast to conditions that weaken memory, there are also factors that can strengthen it. At the forefront are aspects such as a life aligned insha’Allah, regular habits, disciplined work, and continuous intellectual and mental engagement. Experts suggest that the belief “the brain tires when it works too much” is incorrect. Brain fatigue arises not from overuse but from misuse or inactivity, which leads to sluggishness.
Indeed, the brain does not tire from working hard; on the contrary, it improves and becomes more efficient as it works. It is idleness, lack of thought, absence of reflection, misuse, and inactivity that dulls and exhausts the brain. Just as unused organs atrophy, memory also deteriorates if not consistently and correctly exercised.
To enhance memory strength, it is possible to maintain a balanced diet, exercise in fresh air, and benefit from the healing properties of plants. However, one critical action we often overlook is revisiting our spiritual lives and repairing the worship life Allah (swt) has prescribed for us, which we may have neglected. In short, we should transition to a system of living that is Halal and Tayyib. Let us not forget that our greatest Preserver is our Lord, who reminds us that He is closer to us than our jugular vein. Yet, we often live as if unaware of this closeness. We must correct this mistake as soon as possible.
Allah (swt) warns us on this matter:
- “Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer restrains immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” (Quran, Al-Ankabut 29:45)
- “So remember Me; I will remember you. And be grateful to Me and do not deny Me.” (Quran, Al-Baqara 2:152)
- “Hey! You who have believed, remember Allah with much remembrance.” (Quran, Al-Ahzab 33:41)
- “So eat of what Allah has provided for you [which is] lawful and good, and be grateful for the favor of Allah, if it is [indeed] Him that you worship.” (Quran, An-Nahl 16:114)
Foods That Heal Mental Fatigue, Forgetfulness, and Memory Loss
Allah (swt) has created numerous blessings that can remedy deficiencies leading to memory fatigue, memory loss, and diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Alternatively, they can heal these conditions caused by other reasons. Let’s briefly discuss some of these blessings:
- Honey: A mixture of honey and black pepper can strengthen memory and combat forgetfulness.
- Black Seed: The compounds in black seed promote mental and emotional relaxation, healing, and balance. It helps prevent attention deficit, mental weakness, emotional distress, depression, and sleep disorders while revitalizing the individual.
- Walnuts: Consuming walnuts daily keeps memory sharp. Its brain-like shape is also noteworthy. It is effective for concentration issues.
- Raisins: Dried raisins, in particular, enhance mental capacity and are an essential food for students during exam periods. Consume daily to combat forgetfulness.
- Onion: Improves blood circulation and cleanses the blood. It prevents the formation of blockages in blood vessels and boosts brain function. Rich in vitamin C, it combats mental fatigue and strengthens the immune system against infections, vascular diseases, colds, and flu. It also aids in dissolving kidney stones and sand.
- Garlic: Slows down physiological aging and memory loss associated with aging.
- Rosemary: Regulates the circulatory system and has a mind-sharpening effect.
- Clove: When brewed as tea and sweetened, clove strengthens memory, sharpens the mind, and alleviates forgetfulness. This tea also soothes heart palpitations and strengthens teeth.
- Raspberry: Provides vitality and relieves mental fatigue.
- Red Pepper: Thanks to its high vitamin C content, red pepper has a stimulating effect. Choose the spicy variety for its mind-strengthening properties and its ability to relieve pain caused by colds.
- Wheat: Wheat flour can assist with concentration disorders and inattentiveness in students. Its vitamin E content plays a role in cell renewal and provides many essential minerals.
- Celery: Relieves forgetfulness and nervous fatigue. It has diuretic properties and contains B vitamins, iron, and calcium. Celery helps dissolve kidney stones and sand, purifies the liver, and is beneficial for diabetes, high blood pressure, and rheumatism.
Additional Foods That Support Memory:
- Liver: Lamb liver is among the richest sources of vitamin B12 and is also high in iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamin B6, and vitamin A.
- Fish: Fish, known for their omega-3 content, are also rich in vitamin B12. For instance, 100 grams of mackerel provides three times the daily B12 requirement, salmon three times, tuna twice, and bluefish 100%.
- Beef and Lamb: Beef and lamb, rich in protein, zinc, and iron, also contain high amounts of vitamin B12.
- Eggs, Cheese, Yogurt, and Milk: These are excellent sources of calcium, protein, riboflavin (B2), and vitamin B12. Consuming them daily is highly recommended.