Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
Whether stress causes harm or benefit largely depends on the person themselves. Because the stress response can be a burden that threatens the person psychologically and physiologically, as well as a power that gives energy to cope with the difficulties of life. When an individual experiences stress, the body automatically starts to react; the heart rate increases, sweats, breathing accelerates, and muscle tension increases. In short, the body goes into a state of alert. It is possible to cope with this state of alert, that is, stress. A large part of the stress experienced by the individual is not in the event or situation itself, but in the sense that they attribute to that event or situation.
To manage stress, one should be aware of the changes in the body and mind. However, it would be beneficial not to use thought patterns that cause stress or to use them as little as possible. By breathing correctly, the body can actually be given the message that everything is fine. In addition, one of the most important methods for coping with stress is regular sports and exercise. Because muscles relax with regular exercise, breathing improves, and sports help to think and feel healthier. Living a passive and inactive life makes stress sustainable.
Another point to be considered is regular and sufficient sleep and healthy nutrition. Sleeplessness or irregular sleep and unhealthy nutrition can feed each other in a vicious cycle and cause more stress. Using time effectively is also an effective method to cope with stress. Another stress management technique is to eliminate uncertainties. Uncertainty is one of the most important sources of stress. Reducing uncertainties in life and being able to control the controllable parts will reduce stress. In summary, the following items are suggested for stress management: Being able to say “no”, Not being an extreme perfectionist, Sharing, not saving, Getting a hobby, taking time for yourself, Giving importance to sports and healthy nutrition, Taking good care of your body, Learning breathing exercises and relaxation, Making time for your loved ones, Continuing your religious life, Not neglecting to rest. Loss of concentration in daily life and not being able to remember certain things are events that many people experience. Forgetfulness, sometimes these situations pass after a while and people become the same as before. Sometimes, if the necessary precautions are not taken, Alzheimer’s disease may occur over time as the inability to remember some things progresses. In order to prevent this situation, it is useful to keep the memory strong and to benefit from various medicinal plants. However, the most important thing is the quality and quantity of the life system that a human being maintains throughout his life.
The brain, cerebellum, spinal cord and spinal cord form the central nervous system. The central nervous system is a structure that regulates and controls our vision, touch, hearing, taste, smell, memory, thoughts and movements with its networks surrounding the entire body.
As can be seen from the areas it affects, the disorders that occur in the central nervous system and systems are important and negatively affect the entire body. Some diseases related to the nervous system are as follows: Epilepsy, cerebrovascular diseases, forgetfulness, dizziness and balance disorders, brain hemorrhage.
Experts who work on the brain and memory generally list the insufficient supply of oxygen, glucose and some enzymes that the brain needs, the irregularity of the work flow due to the rapid depletion of the brain’s energy due to reasons such as stress and tension, the inactivity of a part of the brain due to focusing only on certain issues and the habit of unsystematic thinking as the reasons that immediately come to mind.
We see two types of forgetfulness. The first is simple forgetfulness; reversible forgetfulness that can be corrected. It occurs more often with stress and depression. The second is malignant forgetfulness. Memory loss, in other words, occurs due to severe cell destruction in the brain such as ‘Alzheimer’s’ disease. The disruption of the energy transfer between cells in the brain, the disruption of the ability of cells to record, recall and store information are defined as “forgetfulness”.
Balanced nutrition plays a very important role in overcoming mental fatigue. Balanced nutrition should be interpreted as a multifaceted concept. We should definitely prioritize the quality and quantity of the substances that our body and soul need both materially and spiritually as our Lord wants from us. Among the many damages that a stressful life full of spiritual dissatisfactions on the one hand, and an unbalanced, halal and pure diet that does not comply with Allah’s will on our body and soul, memory loss is a very painful result that kills a person before they die. Forgetfulness, which is generally a big problem for the elderly, is now seen in young people as well.