


Our International GIMDES Halal and Tayyib Products Conference, which will take place online on 3-4 September 2024, consists of seven different sessions. The topics to be covered in the sessions and the speakers are presented below for your information.

HALAL has encompassed every aspect of Muslims’ lives. Products produced according to Sharia rules must be both appropriate in terms of raw material sources and healthy, pure, clean, high quality, in short, “Halalen Tayyiben” as stated in the Quran. Today, the word halal is evaluated as not only not having components obtained from pork or alcohol. However, the correct expression and definition regarding the word halal is to determine that the Sharia requirements are guaranteed at all stages of the preparation of the product. The concept of halal should include not only halal but also the word tayyib.

The concepts of halal and haram encompass all situations such as worship, financial issues, marriage, nutritional habits, and health in every area of a Muslim’s life.

Although it is a fundamental rule in Islam in terms of law and religion, awareness of halal and haram issues has only recently begun to emerge among today’s Muslims. Many of today’s Muslim consumers need more reliable halal and tayyib products for their consumption.

It will probably not be a surprise to see that many academic studies on halal and haram focus on foods and beverages. Various tests and studies have been conducted to monitor the presence of prohibited substances in foods, and production methods have been developed.

Discussions continue regarding the consumption and use of pharmaceutical and medical products, the presence of harmful substances in their content, the use of genetically modified products in production processes, and the use of non-halal additives whose halal status is not disclosed in their content information.

In terms of halal and tayyib status, the International Medical, Pharmacy, Food, Technical and Fiqh Workshops organize GIMDES international conferences every year for the first time in our country to discuss these issues and find solutions. This year, on September 3-4, 10 of our academics who are experts in their international subjects will present their theses live online in 7 sessions.

We will be pleased to have you as our guests in this important event.

1- “Exploring the Global Halal Market: Opportunities and Trends in the Halal Industry”
2- “Halal Finance: Exploring Islamic Banking and Investment Opportunities and Islamic Perspective on Economy and Interest-Free Finance System”
3- “Sustainable Halal: Promoting Ethical Practices in the Halal Industry”
4- “Halal Medicines: Meeting the Health Needs of Halal Consumers”
5- “Validity of Halal Conditions in Cosmetics”
6- “Halal – Tayyib and Kafalat (Bailment) Concepts”
7- “Halal Product Trade Between Non-Muslim and Islamic Countries”

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