We are in our 12th year of celebrating 17 Ramadan World Halal Day, which we started in 2013 under the umbrella of the World Halal Council, with the aim of contributing to the halalization of our lives by embracing the rope of Allah (swt) together, thinking that it will remind us of our responsibility to eat Halal food, which people do not tend to do because the lives of non-Muslims have been imposed on Muslims for 100 years. .
Yesterday (27 March 2024-17 Ramadan 1445), iftar dinners, food distributions, seminars, competitions and various events were organised in many different countries of the world in recognition of the importance of the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day.
1) With nearly 100 Halal World Markets, halal iftar tables were set up and stands were opened, promotions were made about the 17th Ramadan Day, and materials (balloons, brochures, etc.) were distributed for that day.
2) The distribution of 1000 Ramadan Food Packs has been completed.
3) By organising volunteers, “Halal iftar” tables were organised for a total of 5 thousand people for our Muslim brothers in Syria and Palestine and for the 1.5 million earthquake victims in Turkey, who suffered the greatest destruction of the century, became victims and became homeless.
4) Congratulatory messages explaining the meaning and importance of the day were sent to NGOs, media organisations and public institutions.
5) Congratulatory messages were sent to WHC members and other halal certification bodies explaining the meaning and importance of the day.
6) Iftar dinners were organised by volunteers in provinces where there are no Halal World Markets.
7) Congratulatory messages explaining the meaning and importance of the day were sent to official authorities such as state officials, municipalities and governorships.
8) Social media studies
a) Facebook: World Halal Day congratulations were shared in groups with 4 million members.
b) Twitter: World Halal Day was brought to the agenda of Türkiye by opening the hashtag #WorldHalalDay on 17 Ramadan.
9) On the occasion of World Halal Day, training was given on the importance of Halal food and brochures were distributed in various provinces.
We share with you some of the studies carried out in provinces and different countries in our article below. Our news will be updated as reports about the activities are received.
Ankara GIMDES Volunteer Representation
On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, the 17th Ramadan World Halal Food Day was held in Ankara, with the support of the Agricultural and Forestry Workers Union (TOÇBİRSEN) and hosted by the International Student Association, Morality, Love and Spirituality Bridge (ASMAKÖPRÜ), with the participation of international guest students and guests from the bureaucracy.
Treats (dates and chocolate) and brochures were distributed in Mamak district. After the 17th Ramadan day was explained to the women, the remaining packages were distributed to bakeries, greengrocers, pharmacies, dairies, markets and real estate offices in the neighbourhood.
Istanbul GIMDES Volunteer Representation
We started our training by explaining the establishment of GIMDES in our iftar organisation for 100 people in Pendik, special for the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day. 17 Ramadan is the day of Badr, the battle between faith and unbelief. Then, the interpretation of the revealed verse “Eat Halal and Tayyib”, placing the issue of sustainable halal food in our lives, the promotion of GIMDES products as an alternative to the products we boycott and ways to reach them were discussed. After iftar, tea and dessert were offered, and our program ended by selling products for the benefit of Palestine and offering blessings.
As the Erzurum GİMDES Volunteer Representation, we held our iftar program with the participation of approximately 220 people. Before the iftar, GİMDES Education Officer Büşra Öner gave a seminar on “Sustainable boycott and halal food”. At the end of the seminar, the iftar dinner started with the presentation of gifts and thank you speeches. After the iftar, we sold certified products and books brought by a local shop in our city, and we ended our program with good wishes and wishes.
Bilecik GİMDES Volunteer Representation gave treats as gifts to celebrate the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day.
Karaman GIMDES Volunteer Representation, 17 Ramadan World Halal Day, refreshments consisting of dates and Afia candies were prepared and distributed to the Quran course hafiz students.
As the Bingöl GIMDES Volunteer Representative, the lady community, who came to the tarawih prayer, was congratulated on the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day accompanied by certified candy for the children, and brief information was given about its importance. Balloons were also given to the children as gifts. In addition, at TÜGVA’s Daru’l Erkam Foundation School, 17 children were informed about the meaning and importance of the day, served with certified candies and Turkish delight, and balloons were given as gifts.
As GİMDES Ağrı Volunteer Representative, iftar was held with the ladies at the Hayrat Foundation on Wednesday, March 27 – 17 Ramadan. It was announced that this day was chosen because of the verse revealed during the Battle of Badr. Regarding the issue of halal and tayyib nutrition, it was emphasised that the 17th of Ramadan is celebrated as Halal Day worldwide. Subsequently, at the end of the taraweeh prayer at the Grand Mosque, brochures were distributed to the ladies and GIMDES certified Milat chocolate was offered to them.
Çanakkale GİMDES Volunteer Representation carried out a joint program with IHH at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Theology. The promotional stand opened in the afternoon. GIMDES and books were introduced. With the contribution of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Boran, a speech was given to a group of 15 people about the importance of Halal food.
Elazığ GİMDES Volunteer Representation met with volunteers and their children and organised events and information on the occasion of 17th Ramadan World Halal Day.
Activity 1: Healthy and Unhealthy Foods
We fed the puppet healthy foods and kept it away from unhealthy ones. We talked about what would happen if he ate unhealthy foods.
Activity 2: Jelly Bean Experiment
2-3 hours before the event, we showed the children the jelly beans we put in the water and the jelly beans that were not in the water and asked them to examine them by touching them. We touched upon the harms of jelly beans and similar ones. We wanted them to do such an activity themselves at home.
Activity 3: Animals
Since the age group regarding animals is young, we did not mention halal-haram meat or healthy-unhealthy meat. Animals were talked about and questions were asked. Mothers were given a task on this issue, and we asked them to explain it to the children at home in a more understandable way.
Finally, we found an answer to the question ‘What is Ramadan 17?’ for the mothers, and then the interpretation(tafsir) of verses 65-69 of Surah Anfal was explained.
After completing the event and meeting in this way, the table was set for refreshments. Treats made with GİMDES certified products were offered to the children.
Nevşehir GIMDES Volunteer Representation, based on the meaning and importance of 17th Ramadan WORLD HALAL DAY, after the Taraweeh prayer, Halva packages, which we prepared by paying attention to halal certified products, were distributed in 7 different neighbourhoods and 7 different mosques, and 500 halva packages and 100 date packages were distributed.
As GIMDES Volunteer Kütahya Representation, a stand was set up on Sevgi Yolu, the busy area of Cumhuriyet Street in Kütahya Center, on Wednesday, March 27, in order to draw attention to the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day. At the event, which took place between 14.00 and 15.20, packages containing balloons, dates and World Halal Day promotional cards were distributed to 50 people. People who were curious and came to the stand were informed about the meaning and importance of the day and were given information about Halal Food.
As GİMDES Van Volunteer Representation, they carried out invitation activities in 7 different regions on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 – 17 Ramadan. Regarding halal and tayyib nutrition, it was emphasised that the 17th of Ramadan is celebrated as Halal Day worldwide.
- World Halal Day was explained to the primary school students and a children’s iftar dinner was held.
- In 3 mosques, brochures and treats were presented to the mosque community (ladies) after the taraweeh prayer, and World Halal Day was celebrated.
- A brochure was presented to the trainees at the family support centre and World Halal Day was congratulated.
- Ladies on the public bus were informed about GIMDES.
- World Halal Day brochures were presented to many tradesmen in Beşyol.
- The pioneer team and the volunteer group were invited to donate for iftar and food rations, and feedback was received.
Bursa GIMDES Volunteer Representation
Special greeting cards were printed for the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day. Halal and Tayyib treats were prepared and distributed. A competition consisting of 17 tasks was organised specifically for children in the 7-9 and 9-11 age groups. Our Halal Dede book and a gift package consisting of GİMDES Halal and Tayyib certified foods were sent to each of the twenty children who completed the tasks.
A program was made on Radio and Television to raise awareness about the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day.
IFRC Asia certification body shared a post with the hashtag #WorldHalalDay to introduce and accept World Halal Day to the world.
Halal Greece sent 32,500 TL iftar fee to 250 people through the certification body GIMDES. He published messages about the meaning and importance of World Halal Day on his social media accounts.
Iftar was organised specially for the 17th Ramadan World Halal Day, with the participation of 279 adults and 20 children.