Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi BÜYÜKÖZER
After mc donald; carrefour, walt disney, burger king also announced their support….
Attention! The superstitious(Batil) front has its full squad. The Haq front has not yet taken its place with its full squad. What is he waiting for?
“Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it.”(Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 154)
Allah invites Muslims to stay away from the discourses and propaganda of infidels. He says, “Don’t do like the unbelievers and say, ‘If only we hadn’t joined the war, we wouldn’t have lost our relatives and wouldn’t have been harmed.’ Because saying this from now on will make it difficult to use your willpower and will only make you fall into the devil’s trick and upset you.
The issue is that Muslims should not leave each other alone, no matter what the circumstances and situations. Also, in situations where there is a vital struggle such as war, full support must be provided.
It is a fact that, because people are human, the promises they make and the things they intend to do in times of comfort are greater than those in times of difficulty. When it comes to a situation such as before the war and during the war, it is seen that the idea of being stuck on the ground and withdrawing from the war due to the fear of momentary defeat occurs. This shows us that believing requires serious sacrifice and giving up on oneself.
As Muslim brothers, our duty to those who are at war is to support them with our hands and tongues, to pray at least with our hearts, to boycott all our dealings with the infidels and to hate the infidels.