Our bond of love and our case work continues at full speed with our volunteers who visit GIMDES Headquarters and do not forget their debt of loyalty. Hakan Koca, who has devoted himself to the halal and tayyib cause, visited the office of GIMDES Headquarters in Tekstilkent years ago, this time accompanied by his precious family, our President Dr. Hüseyin Kâmi visited Büyüközer.
During the visit, memories of the halal quest from Germany to Istanbul, experiences and some experiences about the lives of the parties were discussed. Mr. Hakan’s wife Mrs. Şengül emphasized the sensitivity of halal and tayyib food, and stated that when his children were offered pizza when he was only 3.5 years old, he asked “Is this halal?” With this beautiful example, we see how families affect their children’s lives not only with discourses but also with actions.
Adopting the halal and tayyib understanding of life at every point, the Koca family stated that they want to open Halal Dunya Markets in order to take this case to a further point. During the meeting, consultations were also held on the Daru’l Halal Madrasa Project.
After the GIMDES Publications and halal and tayyib certified treats presented to our guests, the parties ended the meeting with mutual prayers and thanks.