

Cultural Lost in Syria Brought by the War

We wanted to share with you the latest news from our brother Halim GİRGİN, a member of the GIMDES Board of Directors, who puts efforts in Idlib with the spirit of JIHAD.

Their only crime was to live in a place where all kinds of weapons were used, including chemicals. When they first said hello to the world, their eyes were full of war and they lost their fathers, mothers and siblings in the conflicts. Hundreds of thousands of people live in camps established in Idlib. In the camps, tents and orphanages where our widower sisters live, people do not know how to raise their children, how to care about the environment. They live without a father’s upbringing and do not experience the community pressure. Living in such a disorder and not knowing what will happen in the future, these people lost many values.

Women trying to get food aid and education in the camps are tired of their motherhood, they are tired of their femininity, and they cannot bear the burden of fatherlessness. Before, relatives in their villages and an Imam from the mosque of the neighborhood could help raise these children. Now, there are unfamiliar faces out of their doors in the camps…Toilets are on the streets without separating men from women…

The things we complain about and do not want to see become blessings in the camps. We do not like the color of the wall while they say that if they had a wall, they would keep their secret. They say that it would be enough for them to have a toilet inside their houses, a running tap or a door to lock the home. In contrast, what do we want?

When you tell your child to wash his/her hair, hands and face at home, you see that they cannot find water to drink in the camps. Speaking of patience, how can you call patience to a mother whose child has died, her husband has died, and who lost her home and lost many values?

Considering and feeling the pain of one million orphans, one million people were martyrs and one million displaced people in Syria, we can better understand the pain in here and we can continue our material and spiritual support to our brothers.