By the organization of the Minval Youth Club of Kocaeli University, a panel on “Do We Know What We Eat?” was held in the Conference Hall of KOU Faculty of Technology on December 17, 2019.
The session was chaired by Servet Yalçın, the Special Preacher of the Mufti’s Office in Kocaeli. Dr. Ahmet Ekşi, a lecturer in Kocaeli University Theology Faculty, has delivered a speech on “Criteria of Halal Nutrition / Importance of Proper Nutrition” and it is followed by the presentation on “The Role of Nutrition in Health Protection” of Health and Civilization Association President Dr. Ahmet Yiğitalp. Lastly, Professional Agricultural Engineer Suat Sezer presented the subject “Halal and Tayyib Certification and GIMDES Certification Process”. The panel has attracted intensive attention from university students.
The panel started with the opening speech of the President of Minval Youth Club Enes Ahmet Akpınar and continued with the presentations of the participants and ended with the questions of the university students.