Announcements News

World Halal Council Annual General Meeting 2016


We would like to invite you all to our 2016 Annual General Meeting which will be held in Japan.

We encourage all brothers and sisters to come and meet us during the meeting.

Because our host is going to organize other events that will be combined with our meeting and as Brothers in Islam, we would like to show Japanese people that Muslims are indeed brothers and they are there to support and help each other as and when needed. For one time we can forget nationalities, difference of opinions, memberships and other ways of separating matters that divide us and remember we are all members of our beloved Ummah.

Let’s get together, sit and meet each other for one (or more) day and Insha’Allah we will all see that everything will be better.

Considering the efforts of or host and other fellow Muslim organizations in Japan to ensure a healthy Halal certifying system to protect the rights of Muslims, we have to show that Halal belongs to Muslims only and non-Muslims cannot interfere with Halal affairs.

For this, it is critical that each member tries to send at least one delegate from their organization because we need to show that Muslims are active, well organized with members everywhere and that Muslim Brothers are not alone in Japan.

I believe NAHA will arrange a platform where some of our members can directly talk to Japanese media and other relevant parties. We will also organize a couple of slots for the lecture to share information on Halal by esteemed members.

The dates and venue of the event are shown below.


Place: Chiba City, Japan

Date: 20-21 November 2016

Venue: Hotel Springs Makuhari


Host: NAHA, Japan (Br. Dr. Saeed Akhtar)

May Allah accept your prayers and Allah help us all in our works.

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