And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the successful.â Surah Ali ‘Imran [3:104]
Muslims are responsible for the security of the slice which passes through his throat. So, what he must do? Does He have to go on to eat whatever it is provided to him as saying, âwhat the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve overâ or does he has to make a research at least what they eat? More importantly, does he have to make something to save himself? Or does he just have to keep on his sleep?
Thank Allah (SWT), we are living through a season that Halal and Tayyib products issue are starting to solve. Now, GIMDES and other Halal Bodiesâ Halal and Tayyib certified thousands of products are ready on the market shelves for Muslims and all humanity’s service.
However, it is highly important to increase the number of the conscious person within the community as much as having certified products and services. For this critical reason, Dunya Halal Foundation set up was indispensable.
Primary activities of Dunya Halal Foundation are making academic and scientific research and inquiries about food, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, necessaries, etc. and announce the results of researchers, keep going to control of food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, necessities and other services industry for bring into force of Halal and Tayyib production and correct its deficiencies, provide training sessions under Halal and Tayyip production scope, plan to set up education foundations and laboratory centers, establishing audit unit and train students as international auditors.
In addition to above points, we can enumerate Dunya Halal Foundation objectives as:
- Organizing common Halal and Tayyib standard works for Muslim Ummah in Turkey and all over the world.
- Determination of standards of foodstuffs, cosmetics, drugs and cleaning products and all necessary products according to Islam and health principles and promote to implement this standard within the industry.
- Searching for production sources, manufacturing process and technologies for products, which aren’t appropriate for Islamic beliefs but can use in the Halal certified production.
- Working on the common Halal and Tayyib Standards on food, cosmetics, medicine, tourism, textile to implement the same process all over the world.
- Controlling all food and other items according to Islamic faith and health for Muslim ummah and making researches and works regarding “Conscious person and Conscious community” perspective.
In addition that, Dunya Halal Foundation strives to generate as “charity center” to set up Dar’ul Halal Madrasah, Halal product research laboratory and give scholarships for Muslim young people to become qualified in the sector.
We had an excellent curriculum during Islamic history in the Madrasahs however during centuries and influenced from West flow; our education systems also have been affected. So, we have started to implement the modern type of Western education system. But, as a result of imitating Western modernity from the curriculum to school architecture, although Muslims, we have raised generations that don’t have enough Islamic knowledge, ignorant of Islam’s commandments and prohibitions.
Dar’ul Halal Madrasah Project has been considered to educate our next generations both technical information for all types of products such as food, cosmetics, textile, etc. like from farm to fork according to Islamic principles. So when any person graduates from there, he&she can approach according to engineering and Islamic perspective. We believe that our next generations will be able to keep themselves more by this project.
We are witnessing that there is demand for educated and conscious people about quality practices, Halal and Haram terms, audit principles and other engineering approaches. Dar’ul Halal Madrasah project will fill the gap for this matter.
Our target to educate contemporary Farabi, Ibn-i Sina, Al Bruni, Architecture Sinan, Al-Kindi, Al-Battani, Sabit Bin Kurra, Nureddin Badruci and Salahaddin to serve science based on Islamic sciences, bring light to our world which is plunged into darkness in the name of science.
Although all destructions of modernity on our life, Muslim community keeps its core values such as sharing and cooperation. Our community holds its charity values. We wish that Dunya Halal Foundation means to do this social and religious duty. We invite all beneficient, volunteer brothers to be a part of this important project.
Allah (SWT) mention in the Quran;
âSo do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers.ââ
Surah Ali ‘Imran [3:139]