GIMDES conducted the 1st International Halal and Tayyib training on 18-20 October 2015.
The participants were from different such as Norway, Macedonia, Kosovo, Algeria, Russia, Tatarstan, UAE and Turkey. The training was held for 2 days, lectures in English on the following topics;
Halal and Tayyib Standards
Halal Certification Procedure
Halal Certification and its international scope
Documentation in Halal certification.
Halal assurance system.
Halal Slaughtering conditions and requirements
Halal and Tayyib critical control points in food Additives.
Halal and Tayyib critical control points in food technology
Halal and Tayyib critical control points in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.
At the end of two days, GIMDES President gave a gift consisting of halal certified products from different companies.
On the third day the participants visit a dairy product company and poultry slughterhouse to see the application of the halal ertification in life manner.