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Some Hair Dyes Cause Lymphoma And Bladder Cancer Risk

Ladies go on to use hair dyes for seeing more beautiful. Gentlemen use these dyes to become younger.

This news is very important for your health.

According to a research, hair dyes cause to increase lymphoma cancer risk. Dr. Silvia de Sanjose has carried out a research on association between personal use of Hair Dyes and Lymphoid Neoplasms in Europe. Dr. Silvia said that “Personal use of hair dyes is associated with a moderate increase in lymphoma risk, particularly among women and persons who used dyes before 1980. Specific compounds associated with this risk remain to be elucidated”. He has studied on 4.719 lymphoma patients from six Europe countries, and the results supported. According to the research, three quarters woman patients use hair dyes and 7 percent of man uses hair dyes.

Lymphoma risk among dye users was significantly increased by 19 percent in comparison with never use. When they use hair dyes more than 12 in a year, the getting risk of a disease increase 26 percent.

Hair coloring products include a wide range of over 5,000 chemical substances, some of which have been reported to be mutagenic and carcinogenic in animals. In 1993, the International Agency for Research on Cancer classified hair-dressing and barbering as occupations entailing exposures that were probably carcinogenic on the basis of suspicion of an increased risk of bladder cancer. In line with these ob-servations, excess risks of hematologic cancer among cos-metologists and hairdressers were described in early studies.

The article has published in the American Journal of Epidemiology risk of lymphoma associated with the calendar period of first use of hair dyes. Lymphoma risk was 37 percent higher for persons who had started using hair dye before 1980 as compared with never users, while a non-significant increase in risk was observed for persons who had started in 1980 or later. Subjects who had started color-ing their hair earlier had a higher lymphoma risk if they had used dark hair color or used a wash-out method.

According to a news that 22 chemical raw materials which are used in hair dye is banned due to cancer cause risk in European Union, and it is informed that these additives will not use after 1 December 2006.

Unfortunately, many raw materials which are carcinogenic for human still use in the hair dyes production. In addition of their harmful effect, the raw materials cover head skin that doesn’t allow water permeability. This is very risky for ghusul ablution.

Source:  Association between Personal Use of Hair Dyes and Lymphoid Neoplasms in Europe (American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published on May 26, 2006)

Silvia de Sanjosé1, Yolanda Benavente1, Alexandra Nieters2, Lenka Foretova3, Marc Maynadié4, Pier Luigi Cocco5, Anthony Staines6, Martine Vornanen7, Paolo Boffetta8, Nikolaus Becker2, Tomas Alvaro9 and Paul Brennan

1 Catalan Institute of Oncology, Barcelona, Spain

2 German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany

3 Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic

4 Registre des HĂ©mopathies Malignes de CĂŽte d’Or, Dijon, France

5 Institute of Occupational Medicine, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy

6 School of Public Health and Population Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

7 Department of Pathology, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland

8 International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France

9 Department of Pathology, Hospital Verge de la Cinta, Tortosa, Spain


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