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Reliability between Halal Certification Bodies

The consumer has more awareness the importance of Halal and Tayyib production system due to developing production technologies, and Halal and Tayyib Products are requested much than before. Thus, seeking for Halal products of Muslims is getting gain speed all over the world. When conscious consumers understand that it can’t completely ensure just checking the packaging label what are the ingredients of the products, they started to work on to check the compliance of Halal Certification system according to their belief and health.

Halal Certified products only have requested in non Muslim countries before but the reality of global trade and raw materials, which use in Muslim countries comes from non Muslim countries, Halal Certificate becomes in a demand certificate.

When a Halal Certificate encountered during an audit, it sends the issuer Halal Certification body for the authentication. Of course in Halal Certification process the aim must be serving to Ummah and must not be business benefit. In this manner, it is highly important to give information to the consumers.

When competent Halal Certification bodies which are in non Muslim countries do Halal certification works in non Muslim companies, the Halal Certifiers can’t announce the Halal Certificate because of Islamofobia. The companies say that they afraid the consumer’s reflection. However, those companies try to take benefit from this situation as change their Halal Certification body with incompetent Halal Certifiers. So, competent Halal Certification bodies have to announce the companies for prevent this situation.

GIMDES authorizes Halal Certificates, which encounter during audits for ensuring Muslims use Halal products safely.

Muslims must be ensured about the sustainability of Halal and Tayyib conditions in travel, food and beverages, accommodation and holiday wherever they go. So, unified Halal standards are very important from foods to cosmetics and medicine. Certification is not confined to the food, but it also deals with service, energy, transportation, and other areas such as cosmetics. Thus, the need for certification is a matter of human life. From this perspective, certification and standardization naturally are connected to human being.


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