The 2. Biggest Halal Expo is going to open its doors between 4-7 September 2014. This very important is event is organized by GIMDES and CNR.
This year it will be the fifth edition of the same event and each year this expo is getting bigger and better. Many companies had already booked their stands even one year ago.
The importance of the Halal and Tayyib Expo comes from the geographical location of Turkey. Turkey, being just in the middle of 3 continents, will likely to be a general hub for all goods. Obviously, Halal certified products produced in Turkey can be easily exported to anywhere in the world.
GIMDES, the Halal certifier of Turkey, is very optimistic and Dr. Buyukozer, GIMDES President, says that Turkey is going to be the Halal supplier of the world thanks to efforts of his organization and also dedication of Halal product manufacturers. Dr. Buyukozer says that Halal is a religious issue and such an important task cannot be delegated to third parties, especially non-Muslims or Muslims who don’t practice the religion. He adds that today there are many Halal certifiers around the world but the number of reliable Halal certifiers are only a handful. That is why GIMDES and CNR worked hard to scrutinize all applications for acceptance to the Halal and Tayyib Expo. Dr. Buyukozer proudly confirms that whatever is presented in the Halal and Tayyib Expo is certified by GIMDES and thus Muslims can consume them without any questions.