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GIMDES Organizes 2nd Halal Umrah on June 7th

GIMDES will organize the 2nd Umrah organization in June.
As previously announced, GIMDES is going to organize the 2nd โ€œHalal Umrahโ€ to Makkah and Madinah in June. The difference between a normal and a Halal Umrah visit is that GIMDES will ensure that all the foods that will be consumed by the Umrah visitors will be Halal certified by GIMDES. Obviously, this is a really difficult task when you consider that hundreds of kilograms of food including meat and dairy products will have to be taken to Holy places and served to the participants of this visit.
Importance of such an organization lies in the fact that some of the food that are sold in markets and served in hotels in those Holy places might not be properly Halal certified. Especially meat products coming from South American countries are sometimes problematic because of mechanical slaughtering and stunning issues and many people do not want to consume such products that might have uncertainities.
The Umrah visit will start on 7 June and Dr. Buyukozer, President of GIMDES and Dr. Halim Aydin, VP of GIMDES, will be among the visitors together with eminent Ulama of GIMDES.

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