GIMDES Youth volunteer was getting together on 7-8 February. The first day of the program was the scientific program, and second day is held as social programs and consultation meeting program. The program was finished successfully. Around 80 GIMDES youth volunteers from various cities and universities has attended to this training. Mr. Savas Findik who is the food Eegineer and volunteer youth committee executive has made opening speech in the first day. After him, Dr. Huseyin Kami Buyukozer, Food Engineer Ali Kaygısız and Associate Professor Ilker Alat gave seminars regarding their topics.
Volunteer youth executives Yusuf Duru and Beytullah CİCEN have governed the second-day session. The program has finished with Fetih Panaroma Museum has visited in the second-day afternoon.
GIMDES volunteer youth organization has appreciated by participants. Many appreciation emails have received from participants. These emotional messages were highly touched us. We thank all brothers and sisters who have participated to GIMDES volunteer youth organization. May Allah helps all of us.
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