Tasam is an institution dependent on the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Animal. A succesful workshop has been arranged on 7th September in Istanbul Gonen Hotel. The workshop was about: GMO Biodiversity , Products, Demand and Food Safety.
GIMDES President Dr. Huseyin Kami Buyukozer and Food Engineer Ali Kaygisiz have attended the workshop. Other attendees are: Prof. Dr. Selim Çetiner, Prof. Dr. Kenan PEKER, Prof. Dr. Ahmet OKUMUŞ, Prof. Dr. Fikret Nafi ÇOKSÖYLER. Prof. Dr. Nazimi AÇIKGÖZ, Necdet BUZTAŞ, and Reyyan DOĞAN
Workshop main topics;
1) Global Warming,
2) Hunger
3) Food Dependency
4) Biodiversity
5) GMO
6) Organic and Halal food applications
7) To make a cooperation between university and industry
Workshop photos are available at: http://www.gidaraporu.com/tasam-calistay_g.htm website.