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We have good news and reproof to brothers and sisters

Halal Dunya Markets reaches to 23 branches at the end of this month.

After long journey, Alhamdolillah, Allah has reached us to this point. There is a still long and important way for Halal slice in all Muslim society. We believe that we will come through this period with purity, patience, loyalty and sincerity.

We get time advantage during our journey with working together, on time, effort and sincerity.

Why have we written this sentence? Around 400 companies’ more than five thousand products have been certified by GIMDES. However, these products aren’t delivered to hundreds of thousands consumers. That kind of requests has forced us to find a solution. So, Halal Dunya Market project has born.

Today these markets have 16 branchs. Alhamdolillah, seven Halal Dunya Market Branches will open in this month. Due to eager brothers’ works, 23 Halal Dunya Market Branches will serve to Muslims.

These new market branches:

S.Urfa 02 November Saturday at 14:00

Denizli 08 November Friday at 12:00-13:00

Isparta 09 November Saturday at 14:00

Avcilar: 10 November Sunday at 14:00

Zonguldak, Adana, Adiyaman cities’ Halal Dunya Market Branches dates will be decided later.

However, we don’t see enough effort from GIMDES voluntaries for supporting these important activities. Allah forbid, we can hear these branches shut announcement as opening announcement. If we don’t support these markets, then we don’t have complaint rights. This is one of the main missions to choose to get all of our requirements in these markets, invite and meet our friends and relatives.

If you have different opinions or comments for achievement of this project, we are so willing to hear from you.

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