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GIMDES is ongoing its international path

The two delegation went abroad on the same day. M.Sc. Chemist Murat SAYIN, Agricultural Engineer Ahmet Tunç CENGIZ and Agricultural Engineer Suat SEZER have gone Russia for a company’s audit. Additionally, one of the fiqh committee members Fatih Kalender and Head auditor Abdulhamid Aksel went to Kazan for making presentation at the conference. Additionally, they went to a slaughterhouse and plant for checking Halal Certification body application.

GIMDES continues to get become a well-known and trustable Halal certification body all over the world. Unfortunately, some of the private and public institutions behave as jealousy rather than proud of its success. They think Halal and Tayyib Certification as an easy task. They try to insert Islam’s Halal to various standards, which is invented by non-Muslims. They waste time and money with the cheapest way of accreditation game. Those people who say I did, and it is done as illogically. We don’t know when they will return from their fault?

This is an open invitation for all those who want to avoid from all community fanaticism, position authority. GIMDES belongs to all Ummah, and its roof is wide. There is always a place under this roof for Ahlisunnah wal Jamaa people. GIMDES hasn’t changed this opinion since its set up, and this will not change. However, those people whose abuse Muslims, the dirt interferes with their production, an enemy of Islam and two faced can’t stay under this roof.

Kaba has been repaired during the ignorance period. In that period of time, Hajar al Aswad has moved in a safe place due to don’t get any damage. When the repair has finished, the competition about replacement of the stone has started. So, they can’t put back. One of them said the first people who enter to the Kaba can replace to stone. The eyes of people focused on the road for the see the first person. After a while, they saw a person who is known as al Emin came to Kaba. All of them has been happy. They have explained their problem to them. Rasullah (S.A.W.) has put off his robe. He has centered Hacarul Asvad stone to the robe. All of Heads of tribes hold from one side of robe and move up to the current place. As a result of that, everybody was glad.

In this century, GIMDES must see as Hajarul Aswad, and all Muslims must hold from one side without any separate or competition. We have to note that one of the foremost necessities to eat and drink Halal, and we should take effort to find and produce.

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