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6th International Halal and Tayyib Products Conference Closing Bulletin

6th International Halal and Tayyib Products Conference held under GIMDES organization.
All together One voice full unity for a Halal and Tayyib life
Didn’t the time of holding the rope of Allah come?
Islam ummah doesn’t request Kosher anymore!
Halal Slaughter is a blessing of Allah!..
The problem of Halal medicine, Halal cosmetic can be solved by Halal Certification.
6th International Halal and Tayyib Products Conference were held on 7 September 2013 in Istanbul hosted by GIMDES. Conference has done in four sessions.

A large part of the Muslims consumed products are controlled economic, biologic and cultural contents by non-Muslims. This uncontrol put a risk Muslims’s Halal bite and life responsibility.
For this reason, GIMDES is organized exhibitions and conferences every year because contribute to increase the awareness of Halal Certified products widely.
GIMDES has organised 6th Halal and Tayyib Products Conference, and the speakers came from 10 countries has made their presentations in four sessions. They tried to find solutions the obstacle of Halal morsel responsibility.


1- It is necessary to establish competent global standard and the credible togetherness between Halal Certification bodies.
2- Non-muslims cannot be part of Halal Certifiers and their standards.
3- The activities must carry out regarding the importance of Halal Certification in Islamic world and humanity.
4- The variations regarding Halal Certification, authority and knowledge must be carried out.
5- Halal Certified products are extremely important for Muslims so the abuse of wrong Halal logo usage must prevent.
6- An institute must set up for all Ummah all over the world. The investment of academic studies and research have to execute.
7- Allah (S.W.T) order Muslims to avoid all suspicious things. So, for this reason, GMO product is forbidden according to Islam.
8- Muslims have to eat Halal and Tayyib products. The consumption of GMO products isn’t suitable to Human health and body. Islam prohibits to don’t causing harm to yourself or to others. Therefore, Islam doesn’t accept anything that may be harmful for his personality and other people.
9- The majority part of blood has to drain during slaughter. For this reason, Islamic method is the most superior slaughter method.
10- Contact interruption between the brain and the heart have decreased the amount of blood flowing in the electroshock applications or piston gun applications. This isn’t desired situation. The signals have to send to the muscles, and the muscles have to get it during shocking. The slaughter with electroshock should explore deeply.
11- The slaughter technics differs from one country to another. There are differences between the applied method in one country to another. Electroshock can cause partly death. The stunning process must be followed during Halal Slaughter and so stunned animals should clearly expose whether the animal died or not.
12- All Muslims have to live according to Allah’s sake. The main duty for all Muslims to worship Allah, and We have to keep in mind the Halal slaughter is a blessing of Allah.
13- One of the most important issues in Islamic Countries is Halal Medicine challenge. Reliable Halal Certification bodies and Muslim scientists should resolve with work together.
14- The problems on cosmetic industry regarding Halal can be solved by Halal certification standards.

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