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Avoid all products containing triclosan!

Great Dangers from Triclosan-containing products! …
New research presents that Triclosan, which is used to prevent germs, has a negative impact on muscle functions and skeletal structure.
What is Triclosan?
Triclosan, is substance added to antibacterial soaps, toothpastes, deodorants, shaving lotions, cosmetics and many other products, in order to reduce or prevent the spread of germs. The side effect of Triclosan, that has been used for more than 40 years, has been established by research only in the year 2000.
The chemical has the following hazards:
1. When couple wıth Chlorine, it leads to the formation of carcinogenic substances, such as chloroform.
2. It causes the Bacteria to gain resistance to antibiotics.
3. It may have a detrimental impact on hormones, and it remains in the body and in nature for a long time.
4. May cause allergies and asthma in children.
GIMDES, since its initial establishment, has been trying to warn and inform all Muslims of western additive products, specifically the dangerous ones. Based on the information obtained by GIMDES, this Halal Products Research Institiute will not provide a Halal certificate to products that contain such additives.
One of the products that GIMDES does not provide Halal certificate to is Triclosan containing cosmetic products.
Soap, toothpaste, shaving creams and lotions, deodorants, body and dishwashing detergents, cosmetics such as lipstick and wet wipes contain Triclosan, which is used to prevent germs, but had an adverse effect on muscle functions and skeletal structure. The findings regarding Triclosan have been a great source of concern.
A Recent study, in the medical journal titled as Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, was published in which the effect of triclosan on mouse and fish were tested.
Cardiac function in mice exposed to triclosan showed an oveall decrease of 25% in 20 minutes, while the limb grip strenght showed a decrease of 18% in over an hour.
When the fish were exposed to water containing triclosan for 7 days, they showed a significant reduction, as compared to the control sample, in both, normal swimming activites tests and in tests that mimics their swimming activities when threatened by a predator.
Professor Isaac Pessah of UC DAVIS School of Veterinary, who leads the research, states that “Triclosan is almost in everyone’s house. İt has spread all over the place. The study, conducted on animals, proves that the substance will cause the same effects on people as well.”
Nipavan Chiamvimonvat, professor of cardiovascular diseases, stated that “The results obtained from animal testing does not necessarily indicate the validity of these effects on humans, much more research needs to be conducted. However, the study clearly shows that Triclosan affects the functions of the heart muscle. Our results suggest that this substance could be very harmful to human health.”
The first alarming case regarding Triclosan was in 2000, when the the Swedish government unnecessarily wanted to prevent the use of triclosan. When this chemicals was found in sewage, fish, and in breast milk, the dealers in sweden wanted to remove this item from the shelf. This attitude was supported by British specialists and main dealers in the UK had decided to get rid of this chemical as well. It is important to contemplate on the fact that Triclosan is an ingredient used in every day life.
The widespread use of triclosan, has led to concerns regarding the bacteria’s increased resistance to antibiotics and in turn the drugs loss of functionality towards bacterial infections. What really worried the Swedish experts was the presence of this substance in mother’s milk and in the environment.
During the same years, professionals from Virginia Tech University in the United States came acroos alarming findings with regard to the chlorine in tap water. According to experts, chlorine, when comes to contact with triclosan in toothpaste and detergents, reacts with it forming the toxic gas, chloroform. If this gas is inhaled, or if it penetrates through the skin,it raises the risk of liver disease and cancer.
In UK, many toothpastes like Colgate, Aquafresh, Sensodyne, and Dentyl were found to contain triclosan. Pastes containing Triclosan were removed from shelves. Triclosan, whch is very effective against gum diseases, was also found in dishwasher and hand detergents.


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