Heartily Welcome To Istanbul in October for Halal and Healthy Products Days…
We are inviting all our brothers and sisters in the world to Istanbul between dates 13-16 October 2011 to attend to 3 major events on Halal.
4th International Halal and Healthy Products Conference
2nd International Halal and Healthy Products Exhibition
9th World Halal Council Congress
All these events will be hosted by GİMDES and CNR Expo in Istanbul.
Istanbul will fascinate you with its natural and historical beauties.
Ummatil Islam have had fill of so-called modernity that was imposed on them for more than 100 years and are now seeking its own modernity.
Ummatil Islam are looking for its Halal, which forcefully disappeared from the lives of Muslims.
These 3 events in Istanbul are going to be a very important milestone on the Halal issue.
We must get together with our own producers, exporters, traders, consumers, government bodies to get share of the $2.5 –Trillion-Halal-Market.
As the Ummah, let’s come together in Istanbul, Islamic capital for more than 600 years. Let’s unite in Istanbul arm in arm, heart to heart.
-4th International Halal and Healthy Produc ts Conference between 13-14 October 2011 will be a platform where 20 eminent scholars with expertise on their fields from Malaysia, Indonesia, USA, South Africa, Germany, Turkey.
Topics of the conference :
1. Becoming Global Halal
2. Possibilities of unification of standards for Halal Certifiers
3. Are transgenic foods Halal and Healthy?
4. Are artificial oils like margarine and similar products Halal and Healthy?
5. Halal Products trade between Islamic countries
6. Halal certification and related problems in non-Muslim countries
-Concurrent with the conference, the 2nd Halal and Healthy Products Exhibition will be held with the cooperation of CNR Expo.
-Between dates 15-17 October 2011, World Halal Council will hold the 9th Annual General Meeting.
Venue for the conference, exhibition and AGM of WHC is the same : CNR Fair Grounds, Yeşilköy ISTANBUL
Turkey stands between Asia, Europe, Africa and Middle East and is strategically and historically the center of all Islamic activities.
For this reason, GİMDES invites all brothers and sisters to Istanbul.
For all inquiries and detailed information,
Organization Committee :
Tel : +90 212 438 33 18- 438 33 79
Faks: +90 212 438 33 19 Email: irtibat@gimdes.org www.gimdes.org